Thursday, May 13, 2010

May.... I make some bad jokes?

So it's May.
Let's cut to the chase. I've been kind of down lately. This is not in my nature. I am happy and optimistic. Also, I am awesome. So, I would like to share with you my all time favorite self-indulgence when I am feeling down: making myself believe that I am the most hilarious human being to ever grace this sweet green earth.
It typically begins by putting on a dress or bright colors. Watching hilarious sitcoms on hulu and laughing OUT LOUD instead of just a quiet, suggestive "heh." When I get up to go to the bathroom or to get water or a handful or chocolate chips, I dance or skip or hop. Then this trend threads itself into online conversations (I just told my friend Val that I settled on a dinner of "cheese explosion mac and cheese" and my witty review was that it tastes like "cheese powder and heart attacks.") You can most likely anticipate, truthfully, that I do not in fact make the world's most hilarious comments when in this state. Which brings up the excellent topic of friendships: this mood is the true test of my friendships. And my friends always come out with gold stars and ribbons because they constantly pretend to find me hilarious when I need them to. THANKS GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST!
Here is the very messy moral of this jagged entry (I blame it on cheese-brain) - when things seem to suck, change your outlook. Turn to the people who see you as you want to be seen. Flaunt your favorite personal quality and exaggerate it until you feel better. Say "I am awesome" out loud, in the mirror, using various accents, voice tones and facial expressions. Rinse and repeat as needed.

1 comment:

  1. soooooooo, when i am down, i have a link in my bookmarks called "pickmeup" that always makes me smile...and even if you are not a fan of the show, i don't see how you can watch/consider/think about two people in love and not laugh and smile just a bit:

    If that doesn't do it for you, find your own!

    also, i miss you!
