According to ABC News, Holland, Michigan was recently found to be the happiest place in the United States. Holland, where there is a 16% unemployment rate and they are seemingly constantly hounded by blizzards and freezing temperatures. The city has roughly 34,000 residents who bring in an average income of about $4000 less a year than the average Michigan resident. (thanks!) They pay a little more for income taxes. The residents do not statistically have more education than other Michigan residents. So, what's the secret?
ABC News presented a number of intertwined hypothesis, which seem pretty reasonable. They started with a few statistics - Holland has 170 Churches and over 100 volunteer groups. In interviews with ABC News, residents cited the generosity of their neighbors and churches. One unemployed man noted that a local church was giving out gas cards to people who needed them. It seems like most people in Holland who can give back, do - even if it's not much. It was also noted that Holland has a big family focus - there are lots of family restaurants, sure, but families seem to interact more in this town. They live in closer to proximity to one another and therefore get to spend more time together. There is a great sense of community and sharing. And, they also happen to have a lower crime rate than other American cities.
So I guess happiness (and beauty) doesn't come from having money. It doesn't come from having access to a wide diversity of exciting activities that one might find in a big city. It doesn't even necessarily come from having a job. The residents of Holland feel cared about by their families and neighbors. The residents of Holland take their time and money to care about others. There is a sense of belonging and support. There is a willingness to give of oneself. And there is little pretense of glory-seeking or reputation-padding.
Hm. Just a few things to think about... :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Dance like everyone is watching
With Valentine's Day safely tucked back into the furthermost crevices of pockets and bookshelves and single hearts, now seems like a great time to talk about love. Loving your friends. Loving your opportunities. Loving your life. Loving your self.
This suggestion is far too much to expand upon in one sitting. But let's start small, shall we?
This weekend I spent a day with one of my favorite people. We drove an hour to an outlet mall, neither of us really needing any particular item. We started the morning with unnecessary lattes, making small talk with the baristas and flipping through the valentine's day city newspaper. We felt luxurious, spoiling ourselves in this way! Mochas! Cookies! (oh yeah, we totally got desserts too - OBVIOUSLY). How very metropolitan! We took our time and tried on frilly, colorful and ridiculous items and revisited inside jokes, slipping in corny new ones at every opportunity. We gloried in each discounted purchase. That dress was SIXTY PERCENT off? Well done! And we danced. We danced in the stores, in the dressings rooms and at every stoplight on the way home (which made that drive in rush hour much more bearable!). People looked at us, gawked at us, smirked at us, laughed at us, and grimaced at us. I think. We noticed this a few times but honestly, we couldn't care enough to look out for it. Because we were loving everything and laughing far too much. We challenged ourselves with silly tasks. Stop at EVERY TJ MAXX we see on the way home!. We made dramatic exclamations trying to find a place to eat lunch WE WILL NEVER FIND AN OPEN LOCATION!!! EVER!!! WE WILL PROBABLY JUST STARVE!!! GARMIN! DO YOU WANT US TO STARVE??? (Don't worry, we did not starve. We stuffed our faces!)
What I am trying to say is this: take every regular, everyday activity and make it yours - make it ridiculous and dramatic and full of laughter. Share it with someone you love and care about. It does not matter what other people think of you as long as you are happy and healthy. Laugh too loudly. Dance the funky dances that would make every teenager you know cringe. Be the person or pair or group that everyone else says is obnoxious but of whom they are secretly jealous.
Boring days are your responsibility. Seize them and defeat them. This is your mission.
This suggestion is far too much to expand upon in one sitting. But let's start small, shall we?
This weekend I spent a day with one of my favorite people. We drove an hour to an outlet mall, neither of us really needing any particular item. We started the morning with unnecessary lattes, making small talk with the baristas and flipping through the valentine's day city newspaper. We felt luxurious, spoiling ourselves in this way! Mochas! Cookies! (oh yeah, we totally got desserts too - OBVIOUSLY). How very metropolitan! We took our time and tried on frilly, colorful and ridiculous items and revisited inside jokes, slipping in corny new ones at every opportunity. We gloried in each discounted purchase. That dress was SIXTY PERCENT off? Well done! And we danced. We danced in the stores, in the dressings rooms and at every stoplight on the way home (which made that drive in rush hour much more bearable!). People looked at us, gawked at us, smirked at us, laughed at us, and grimaced at us. I think. We noticed this a few times but honestly, we couldn't care enough to look out for it. Because we were loving everything and laughing far too much. We challenged ourselves with silly tasks. Stop at EVERY TJ MAXX we see on the way home!. We made dramatic exclamations trying to find a place to eat lunch WE WILL NEVER FIND AN OPEN LOCATION!!! EVER!!! WE WILL PROBABLY JUST STARVE!!! GARMIN! DO YOU WANT US TO STARVE??? (Don't worry, we did not starve. We stuffed our faces!)
What I am trying to say is this: take every regular, everyday activity and make it yours - make it ridiculous and dramatic and full of laughter. Share it with someone you love and care about. It does not matter what other people think of you as long as you are happy and healthy. Laugh too loudly. Dance the funky dances that would make every teenager you know cringe. Be the person or pair or group that everyone else says is obnoxious but of whom they are secretly jealous.
Boring days are your responsibility. Seize them and defeat them. This is your mission.
Monday, February 8, 2010
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